Dear Readers,
As the year draws to a close with the promise of an exciting and swelteringly hot summer, everyone’s thoughts drift off to reflect on the last school year. For some, it was the thrill of a new environment that made this year special. For others, retreats, basketball games and even random but funny moments in the hallways between classes come to mind while pondering the year. However, as we say goodbye to our seniors and begin to prepare for finals, we must take the time to reflect on the writing achievements of the NSHAHS community over the last ten months.
From participating in NaNoWriMo, NsNoWriMo and Poet’s Café to simply writing a personal poem, North Shore’s talented young minds have outshined themselves. Two novels have been completed (excerpts of which are featured in this month’s issue) while others have been started and countless numbers of contest entries have been recognized for their superior quality and style. The June issue of The Written Voice further showcases the creative talents of NSHAHS students, containing poems and personal stories as well as the successive chapters of several student’s books.
I would like to express my gratitude to Director of the Writing Center Mrs. April Zabinsky for her constant insight and work on the school’s publications as well as essay assignments and personal writing endeavors. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the final issue of 2011-2012’s Written Voice. Enjoy the summer and remember to channel your energy into more creating and writing!
Anna Hardcastle and Rachelle David
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